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Stock/Availability for: C0805C104K5RAC7025

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Part NumberCountry/RegionSuppliersLine ItemsTotal Qty
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C0805C104K5RAC7800 022972741016801
C0805C104K5RAC7210 061818155823
C0805C104K5RAC7250 091044545
C0805C104K5RAC7215 089123761
C0805C104K5RAC7411 05584161
C0805C104K5RAC76537800 04424680
C0805C104K5RAC7800X100 03327217
C0805C104K5RAC7867 0235919
C0805C104K5RAC70157800 0115812
C0805C104K5RAC7015 0114000

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Possible Component Manufacturers*:
Datasheet LocatorYageo (Vitrohm) (Phycom) (Ferroxcube) (Pulse)
Datasheet LocatorBHC Aerovox (BHC Components) (Evox Rifa)
Datasheet LocatorYageo
Datasheet LocatorKEMET (Yageo)
Datasheet LocatorSierra-KD Components (Kemet) (Yageo)
Datasheet LocatorEvox Rifa (Kemet) (Yageo)
* This symbol ( Datasheet Locator ) will appear next to the manufacturer if a datasheet is available for the part. Registered members can click on the datasheet icon to locate the datasheet for the part.

Page Created: 2/19/2025 4:13:23 AM