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Stock/Availability for: MCIMX6U7CVM08AC557

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Part NumberCountry/RegionSuppliersLine ItemsTotal Qty
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MCIMX6U6AVM08AC 02443098117517
MCIMX6U5EVM10AC 02342871328711
MCIMX6U7CVM08AC 02283001632838
MCIMX6U7CVM08AD 0153177988206
MCIMX6U7CVM08AB 05658418630
MCIMX6U7CVM08A 04451264
MCIMX6U7CVM08ACR 0226762
MCIMX6U7CVT08AD 011600
MCIMX6U7CVM08AD/C 0111200
MCIMX6U7CVM10AC 0113000

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Possible Component Manufacturers*:
Datasheet LocatorST-Ericsson (STMicroelectronics) (Ericsson) (ST)
Datasheet LocatorST-NXP Wireless
Datasheet LocatorPhilips Semiconductors (NXP) (Next eXPerience)
Datasheet LocatorTrident Microsystems - DTV (Sigma Designs)
Datasheet LocatorVoxelle (Conexant BMP) (NXP)
Datasheet LocatorNXP Semiconductors (Philips)
* This symbol ( Datasheet Locator ) will appear next to the manufacturer if a datasheet is available for the part. Registered members can click on the datasheet icon to locate the datasheet for the part.

Page Created: 2/16/2025 11:03:14 AM